Photography Blog

Shooting in the field, editing and printing

Some of the ideas held here have been superseded or revised. If you would like up-to-date thoughts on photography – both shooting and editing and my thoughts about the art, please consider subscribing to my mailing list at the foot of this page.

Contrast is Relative

I used to think that for a image to have strong contrast, the histogram needs to looks like this: That is, good portions of pixels must inhabit both the black and the white zones. But images like this have changed my mind: Here the blacks are dark (solid black, in fact) but the brightest portions of this image – the white of his eye – is only at about 70% brightness. In short, I’ve started thinking about contrast in much more

How Much Should You Edit Your Photos?

Debate about how much you should edit your photos can get heated. This conversation is common within the photography community, but I have found the aversion to overediting is perhaps even stronger from those who do not take photos on any serious level. I can sympathise with both sides of the argument. Photography seems – on the surface a realist’s medium, so you can feel betrayed when you find out a photograph is lying to you. But fairly early in its

Quitting Social Media

A landscape photographer’s perspective on Instagram and your art and business I love social media and – out of all the time sinks out there – Instagram is my favourite. In my early days of taking photos, IG was where I got feedback. Through comments and likes I could see how my photography was going and, as I have evolved as a photographer and I have made some good friends through social media. I have been lucky to meet many of

Using Notion as a Photography Planner

Preamble I’m 34 years old and I’m just starting a vlog. Restarting a vlog, I should say. I did a couple of travel style vlogs back in 2017 and then life happened. My wife and I moved back to the UK and various projects have distracted us for the last four years. During this time, we got married, bought a house, I joined my family’s business and started an osteopathy course. Two of those projects are going well, one of them